
News: Michel Serres Institute

Pablo Jensen and company have announced a new Michel Serres Institute for Resources and Public Good that will likely be of interest to readers of Serres. You can read more about it here but I've included a brief excerpt for you:

Humans use their power and know­ledge to manage life sys­tems as well as the bios­phere. Therefore, research must serve to increase human unders­tan­ding of those resour­ces and how best to use them for the public good. The Institute will work towards the desi­red, sus­tai­na­ble condi­tion of our socie­ties through the inte­gra­ted ana­ly­sis, moni­to­ring and mana­ge­ment of resour­ces (pro­duc­tion, dis­tri­bu­tion, access and cir­cu­la­tion)

No doubt the themes in The Natural Contract and many other works will have a bearing on how the activities and writing of the institute unfold over time. This is about all I know of it at this point but if others can contribute background, that would be helpful. I have been in touch with Pablo and hope to add more information here soon.