
More Books Added

While in Ottawa recently, I stopped in at the Librairie du Soleil on Rue George - just to the east of Parliament Hill. My good fortune was to find that they had four Michel Serres titles in French that I didn't have. The new additions to my library are: Hominescence, Le Tiers-Instruit, Les Cinq Sens, Le Mal Propre

My desire to become better in speaking and reading French will be enhanced by these texts as I pursue what will, undoubtedly, be a life-long effort to understand more fully the nuance and style of Serres.


KaterinaAthena said...

Do you happen to know where I could purchase an english translation of Le mal propre? Thank you!

Unknown said...

Soy de Argentina y me interesaría leer Le mal propre y Le tiers-instruit de Michel Serres. Aquí no están editados aún. hay alguna posibilidad de que ustedes me los envíen o conseguirlos traducidos al español? Espero vuestra respuesta, desde ya muchas gracias. Saludos, Adriana

Ingenuity Arts said...

Google Translation of Adriana request:

I'm from Argentina and I am interested in reading bad propre [2008 Le mal propre : polluer pour s'approprier? (Le Pommier coll. « Manifestes », Paris] and Le Tiers-instruit by Michel Serres. They are are not published yet in Spanish. Is there a chance that you can send or get me the Spanish translation? I await your answer, and thank you very much.

Regards, Adriana

[ Adriana, I don't have these but will post this as a comment and perhaps someone else in the Serres-reading circle will be able to help - Milton ]