Enjoy. I hope this is a helpful resource. It may be that some adjustment of layout, adding page numbers and other design/format ideas are worth considering.
Hi, I noticed you have a blog about Serres.
I've had a translation of his Variations sur le corps in my desk for about four years now but have had little luck getting such a heavily illustrated book published. So I've decided to just send it around to people who would be interested in having a copy.
Do with it what you please. Share it. I'm sure M. Serres would approve. Too bad I can't send the photos, but the references and captions are included.
Randolph Burks
Hi, I cannot the access the article, the link to which you have provided; will it be possible for you to send a copy on my id tripta (at) gmail.com.
Kudos, on the brilliant compilation!
Try right clicking on the hyperlink and then "Save link as" when the menu pops up.
If that doesn't work, let me know and I'll email it to you.
Hi, I cannot access the text nonetheless your indication. Can you please email me a copy to: arc4 (at) fastwebnet.it
Thank You so much for your work: it is a precious help.
Hi, I also can't seem to download the document. Could you send it to bruzzone (at) wisc {dot} edu? Thanks!
Hi! I just found this site and I was trying to open the link but I had no access. Im working on my university thesis and i found this precious information that is a very important reference for my work.
Would it be possible for you to please send me a copy of this document to: laura_henriquez (at)hotmail dot com?
thanx a lot
Hey ya'll, there's a great illustrated version online (unfortunately not available in physical form in english... yet) found here: http://issuu.com/ingenuityarts/docs/variations-on-the-body-english?mode=embed&layout=http%3A%2F%2Fskin.issuu.com%2Fv%2Fcolor%2Flayout.xml&backgroundColor=999999&showFlipBtn=true
its really too bad that the Univocal publications of his works in english dont include the accompanied image-narration which many of his books have... oh well, hopefully one day the english publications will include the images as well.
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